Sunday, March 21, 2010

1800 push pins later...


  1. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's all

  2. I liked how you were able to change the colors of the push pins in order to get the exact colors you needed for your Super Mario. Well done.

  3. It was a great project, it looked like it took a lot of time. One of my favorites. Very nice.

  4. Yea, it was a cool idea to paint the tops of the tacks. I thought it was reallyyy cool. I know you said you had run out of pins- maybe you could have cut the top part off somehow so you couldn't tell it was unfinished? Either way, great idea/very creative!

  5. Probably my favorite one. I think the subject was very appropriate for the assignment.

  6. This is so awesome! This must have taken you such a long time. I'm sure it reminded everyone of their childhood! The pins were aligned so well and the image was very detailed. Really good job!
